How to Create an Employee Directory with the React MultiColumn ComboBox [Webinar Show Notes]
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How to Create an Employee Directory with the React MultiColumn ComboBox [Webinar Show Notes]

This blog provides show notes for our July 18, 2024 webinar, “How to Create an Employee Directory with the React MultiColumn ComboBox.” Subaashini Pushparaju, Product Manager at Syncfusion, presented the webinar.


In this webinar, you will learn how to create an employee directory using our React MultiColumn ComboBox. We’ll show you how to display multiple pieces of information in a single dropdown list. This tool is ideal for HR departments looking to simplify their employee directory with an intuitive interface. Plus, we’ll cover the latest updates for our web platforms in the 2024 Volume 2 release.


[00:00] Introduction

[00:47] Demo

[22:49] What’s New for Blazor

[26:22] What’s New for Essential JS 2

[28:16] Closing Notes


During this webinar, we displayed detailed information in a table-like dropdown list. We hope you enjoyed it and will keep an eye out for our future React webinars. 

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Carter Harris

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Carter Harris

Carter is the Video Marketing Specialist at Syncfusion. He is in charge of managing the Syncfusion YouTube channel as well as webinars produced through Syncfusion.