Hello! Today, we are going to walk you through the process of operating and managing Direct-Trac, Syncfusion’s internally built customer support, and incident management system.
If you have downloaded an evaluation copy of our software, or if you are a customer, you will receive a confirmation email that will contain your login information.
Once you receive the email, take the password we sent and log into your Direct-Trac account.
Upon logging in, you’ll be taken to your dashboard. Here, you will have access to many different sections.
Let’s start by editing your profile. You can find it in the left, blue panel, or in your dashboard, both under My Account.

Here, you can update your personal information, account details, and password.
License and Downloads
Under License & Downloads in the dashboard, you’ll be able to get an unlock key for your license. Select Downloads & Keys under License & Downloads. Click Get Unlock Key.
A pop-up will appear, allowing you to pick the version of Essential Studio® for which you need the license key.
You can either send the license key to the registered email ID or copy it to the clipboard.
When downloading the setup from the Syncfusion site, you may or may not be asked to provide your unlock key. The same goes for downloading from an open-source platform or NuGet.
You need to provide this license key when developing your application using Syncfusion controls. Please remember that, for your license key, it is specific to both the platform and version.
After retrieving your key, you may click More Download Options and select your preference, or you can click Download to download the installer for Windows.
Now, let’s head to support.
In the Incidents page, you will see a list of support incidents that are open, closed, or pending. This is your hub for managing your support incidents.
When creating a new incident, you can edit your incident settings via our drop-down lists. That way we can tailor the samples we make to your specifications.
After filling out your incident settings, you can describe your issue in the Subject and Message boxes. If you have any images, videos, or documents, you can attach them, as well. Once you’ve input all your information, just click Create Incident.
We offer support five days a week, Monday through Friday, to make sure we’re there when you need help.
You’ll receive an email confirming that your incident has been created, which will include the incident ID number.
Within your newly created incident, you’ll be able to review your incident information, as well as have a direct means of contact with our support team throughout the problem-solving process.
After solving your problem, simply close the incident. Then, a support feedback page will open. We always welcome feedback, so please feel free to answer the questions and post your comments.
Thank you for your support, and welcome to Direct-Trac!