In this webinar, James Montemagno, Principal Lead Program Manager at Microsoft, walks through his latest app, Island Tracker, and how he created a stunning user interface and filled it with impressive features thanks to Syncfusion’s Xamarin UI controls. He discusses what decisions he made, how he customized the UI, and how Syncfusion helped him build his app in record time.
What is Island Tracker?
Island Tracker is a assistive app for the video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons that enables you to easily track your turnip purchases on Sunday and then monitor the prices throughout the week. The app helps make price predictions, keeps tabs on whether prices are on the higher or lower end and allows you to share your prices with all of your friends! The Island Tracker app is available right now on Google Play for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS for $0.99.
Goals of building the app
Server-side Blazor renders Razor components on the server and updates the webpage using a SignalR connection. The app is designed to achieve the following:
- Offer a great-looking, cross-platform iOS and Android app.
- Track and predict weekly turnip prices.
- Sync data and profile with backend.
- Provide a simple friend system with no login required.
- View and sync friends’ statuses and prices.
Leveraging Syncfusion controls
Client-side Blazor is composed of the same code as server-side Blazor; however, it runs entirely in the web browser using a technology known as WebAssembly. During the creation of the app, James implemented Syncfusion’s Xamarin controls. The controls he used include: Charts and Expander ComboBox
Masked Edit
Segmented Control
Busy Indicator
Effects View
Text Input Layout
In this webinar, Montemagno reviews the best tips and tricks for creating a Xamarin application with the help of Syncfusion controls. We hope you enjoy this webinar, and that you’ll keep an eye out for future webinars from Syncfusion on Xamarin. GitHub Reference: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/app-ac-islandtracker
Recommended resources
- Xamarin.Forms documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/
- Xamarin.Forms Succinctly ebook: https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/xamarin-forms-succinctly