How to set height of the header of the grid column

How to set height of the header of the grid column

3 Replies

MS Madhu Sudhanan P Syncfusion Team March 18, 2014 11:32 AM UTC

Hi Digish,


Currently We don’t have any built-in property to set the grid header height.


But we can achieve your requirement using the following workaround.




        .e-grid .e-headercell {






Please let us know if you have any queries.



Madhu Sudhanan. P

XV Xander van der Merwe March 24, 2014 07:07 AM UTC

Madhu, that is a really neat trick, thanks for sharing.

Can we also adjust the row height?  I tried the following to no avail:

.e-grid .e-rowcell {



Thanks in advance

RU Ragavee U S Syncfusion Team April 9, 2014 06:56 AM UTC

Hi Xander,


Sorry for the delay of getting back to you because the forum was missed to update in our pending list.

We have provided the solution for the same query that has been asked in the forum #116068. For better follow up please refer the below forum link.


Please let us know if you have any queries.



Ragavee U S

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