Dynamically updating the data source

I am trying to change the data source of the data bound grid at run-time, but I can't figure out how. As the code sits right now, instead of clearing and displaying the new data, the grid is appending data every time I change the source. In the User's Guide I read about the virtual grid - should I use this instead? Thanks for your help!

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 17, 2003 05:16 PM UTC

Are you calling dataAdapter.Fill repeatedly? If so, this will append the data to the existing data which sort of sounds like what you are seeing. So, make sure you call something like DataTable.Clear before you load the data again into the same table.

CH Christina November 17, 2003 05:24 PM UTC

Ok, I'm an idiot. That was the problem.

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