Syncfusion Team
June 21, 2005 12:36 PM UTC
Hi Jun,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I am afraid, you would not be able to do that since setting Bold to simhei font would require the bold version of the font be available [simheib.ttf]. According to my initial investigation I could see that there were separate ttf [Arial.ttf and Arialbd.ttf] files for Arial, ArialBold etc [C:\WINDOWS\Fonts]etc.
Please let me know If you have any questions.
The next version will have support for using
>i can''t see the FontStyle property of any Unicode font. seem like:
>IPDFFont customersTableTitleFont = pdfDoc.Fonts.Add( Server.MapPath("Data/Fonts/simhei.ttf") );