AutoWrapping Column Head

How can I auto wrap the column head in a datagrid on resizing the width during runtime?

3 Replies

CA Carl June 15, 2003 09:56 AM UTC

vbcrlf! Now if I could just find a way to increase the height of the headers/reduce the size of the font! Regards, Carl

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 15, 2003 11:26 AM UTC

Have u had any luck on increasing the header height. I am wrapping my header text with vbCrLf but then I cant see the second line. Im trying a few things though.if i get it ill let u know

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 1, 2003 03:48 PM UTC

Don't know if you've found this answer yet. Set the headerfont for the datagrid to something large, say 16, then create a tablestyle for the datagrid and keep the headerfont for the tablestyle the default size. The font will be the value from the tablestyle, but the column header uses the size needed to fit the font for the datagrid. Not very obvious is it? > > Have u had any luck on increasing the header height. I am wrapping my header text with vbCrLf but then I cant see the second line. Im trying a few things though.if i get it ill let u know

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