XPMenus - Toolbar Customization

I have a ToolbarListBarItem in the main menu of my product. When the user clicks on this menu item, it shows all the available menus that can be displayed with a checkmark next to the ones that are currently visible (along with the Customize option). I''m looking for an event that fires when the user checks/unchecks one of these menus - what would that be? Thanks!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 30, 2005 05:33 PM UTC

Hi Lori, Your best option would be to handle the PopupClosed event. This will fire whenever the dropdown window from the ToolbarListItem closes. You can then iterate over MainFrameBarManager.Bars to get the status of each of the Bars. Hope this helps. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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