Firing IHTMLElement events

in the htmluicontrol.loadFinished eventhandler, I iterate through the elements in the html document and, for each of the ones with a tagname of "sentence" I assign an event handler for the MouseDown and DoubleClicked events (this assignment occurs successfully when I step through the code). However, when I execute the code and click or double click on a piece of text in the htmlcontrol that is contained by a "sentence" tage, the MouseDown or DoubleClick events for the element are never fired. Now if I wish I can capture a MouseDown event for the HTMLUIControl as a whole and, from that, use the GetElementAtClientPoint to get the clicked element. But this is sub optimal. Is there some trick to getting the Click, MouseDown, or DoubleClick events to fire, or capturing those events, for individual elements? Your help is appreciated.

5 Replies

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team January 27, 2005 04:50 PM UTC

Hi Adam, The sentence tag is assigned to a UnknownElementImpl element by the HTMLUIControl. This element is not raising any of the standard events raised by BaseElement. I will check with our development team about enabling the standard events for this element type also. Thank you for your patience. Regards, Davis

AF Adam Flynn January 27, 2005 06:24 PM UTC

Does the CustomElementImpl class support these events? Would there be any way to convert these UnknownElementImpl to CustomElementImpl when the document is loaded or prepared by the HtmlUI Control?

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team January 28, 2005 08:08 PM UTC

Hi Adam, We have fixed the UnkownElementImpl class to support standard events. We will make this available for download at the earliest. I can send you the new assemblies alone if you need them now. Thanks, Davis

NZ Ning Zhu February 14, 2006 09:59 PM UTC

Davis, I would like to download those new fixed assemblies as well. Thanks a lot. jeaning >Hi Adam, > >We have fixed the UnkownElementImpl class to support standard events. We will make this available for download at the earliest. > >I can send you the new assemblies alone if you need them now. > >Thanks, > >Davis

NR Nandakumar R Syncfusion Team February 15, 2006 02:44 PM UTC

Hi Jeaning, Thanks for your interest in Essential HTMLUI. Please create a new Direct-Trac incident for getting the download details of these new assemblies. Thanks for your patience. Regards, Nanda

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