Prakash S
Syncfusion Team
January 7, 2003 07:36 PM UTC
Hi Stephen,
I am sorry, but it is not possible to implement either behavior without involving significant changes to the docking windows code base itself. However, regarding the second issue I am surprised that you have to force the control to take precedence. This is because if the bottom docked control occupied the full lower border before entering the autohide mode, it should return to this same position when the autohide mode is exited. Thus setting this particular layout at design time/programmatically will ensure that the state is maintained during autohide changes. Are you noticing behavior that does not conform to this? If so, then please elaborate.
Syncfusion, Inc.
Stephen Lee
January 7, 2003 09:48 PM UTC
Hi Prakash, thanks for your reply.
Having looked at the second issue, I think I have it fixed now - I was programmatically hiding the two dock windows in the wrong order, so that when they were later redisplayed, the windows' precedence had changed.
It's a pity we can't get rid of the Autohide "flicker", however.
Thanks again,