Grid Validation

Hello I have a GridDataBoundGrid on a tabcontrol..which is bound to a datatable.. some columns of the datatable are set to AllowDBNull=false. so when i move on to a new row without entering the values.. i get error message to enter the values the must required column. but when i move on to a diffrent tab without entering the value in must required column of the grid... it gives me the error message but moves on to the next tab and i get stuck in a loop of error messages as i now am on a different tab and grid now has a row that is in edit mode in which one of the required columns is not filled in. How to get around this.. i would like to cancel the edit of row when i move on to next tab of the tab control Thanks Gaja

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 25, 2004 04:39 PM UTC

You can try to catch the grid.Leave event. In that event, if grid.CurrentCell.IsEditing, try calling grid.Currentcell.CancelEdit and grid.Binder.CancelEdit.

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