Rollback edit actions


I want to do some validation when the user for example extend the duration of a taskbar using drag.

I tried the following events

TaskbarEditing: I don't get the actual values here but the old values

TaskbarEdited: I get the [previous and actual values here but I cannot rollback to previous values if validation fails. There is a cancel option but it doesn't work

OnActionBegin: I only get the actual values here but I cannot update to the previous here. Cancel doesn't seem to work here also

OnActionComplete: same as above

How can I validate taskbar values and rollback to the previous values if vali

1 Reply

AG Ajithkumar Gopalakrishnan Syncfusion Team May 4, 2023 01:39 PM UTC

Hi Arjan,

Thank you for reaching out to us about your issue with taskbar validation. We understand that you have tried using the TaskbarEditing, TaskbarEdited, OnActionBegin, and OnActionComplete events, but have not been able to achieve the desired result.

TaskbarEditing is an event that is raised when the user starts editing the taskbar, but it only provides the old values and not the actual values. On the other hand, TaskbarEdited provides the previous and actual values, but it doesn't allow for rollback to previous values if validation fails, and the cancel option does not work.

Meanwhile, the OnActionBegin event is only useful for actions such as sorting, filtering, and searching, but it doesn't allow for updating to the previous values, and cancel doesn't work here either for taskbar changes. The same goes for the OnActionComplete event.

We apologize that there is no specific events to prevent or revert the changes from Taskbar. Please let us know if you have any additional requirements or specific use cases that we can assist you with.

Ajithkumar G

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