Duplicating values when paging

Hi, we are using the grid to display a number of items and have added a SfNumericTextBox as a template in one of the columns.  When adding a value and not tabbing out of the SfNumericTextBox, if we move page the value is duplicated in the same row on the next page.

Do you have any ideas on how we can prevent this?


3 Replies

PS Prathap Senthil Syncfusion Team March 23, 2023 04:07 PM UTC

Hi Alex,

Query:’’ When adding a value and not tabbing out of the SfNumericTextBox, if we move page the value is duplicated in the same row on the next page.”

Based on the reported issue, we created a simple sample and tried to reproduce the issue, but we were not able to reproduce it from our side in the latest version []. We have included a sample for your reference. If the issue persists, we kindly request that you provide a simple reproducible sample, or if possible, try modifying the attached sample to see if the issue can be reproduced there . We appreciate your cooperation and hope to resolve this issue for you as soon as possible.

Prathap S

Attachment: DataGrid_406f56c.zip

AL Alex April 2, 2023 11:06 AM UTC


We can recreate the issue, can you create a ticket for this issue and we can share url and login details as this issue is in a live system.



PS Prathap Senthil Syncfusion Team April 4, 2023 07:30 AM UTC

Thanks for the update,

We created the new ticket as per your request under your email address. Please check and share the URL and login details. We are marking this forum as solved. Please follow up further in the ticket.

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