Disable recurrence editor options


Is this possible to prevent user from selecting infinite recurrences?

Our need is to force users to choose either a date or a count to end recurrences. Is the component configurable for this use case?

Thanks for your response

3 Replies

SR Swathi Ravi Syncfusion Team January 31, 2023 11:46 AM UTC

Hi Carla,

You can remove the Never option from the End type in recurrence editor options, like the below-shared snippet.

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-v14obe-lrphsa?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts


public onPopupOpen(argsPopupOpenEventArgs): void {

    if (args.type === 'Editor') {

      if (this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor) {

        ((args.element)as any).ej2_instances[0].open = () => {

          if (this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor.endType.dataSource.length > 2) {

            // Setting up the defaule end type as Until

            this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor.endType.setProperties({ value: 'until' });

            this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor.endType.open = (args=> {

              // Hiding the never end type

              args.popup.element.querySelector('[data-value="never"]').style.display = 'none';









Swathi Ravi

CC Carla Candiotti January 31, 2023 05:22 PM UTC


Thanks for your response. I'll test your solution, but isn't there a simpler method to do so? We should't have to tinker to configure components, why aren't they configurable on their own?


SR Swathi Ravi Syncfusion Team February 2, 2023 07:56 AM UTC


We don’t have an inbuild option to customize the end type option data source, You can hide the never option from the end type like the below-shared snippet.

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-angular-scheduler-recurrence-options-hide?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts


public onPopupOpen(argsPopupOpenEventArgs): void {

    var recurrence = this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor;

    var option = recurrence.endType.dataSource;

      if(option[0].value == 'never'){

        this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.recurrenceEditor.endType.dataSource = option.slice(1);    // to remove the never option






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