Very bad documentation and example on ScheduleQuickInfoTemplates

I'm still in evaluating phase but this is a show stopper for us.

I'm trying to create Templates for the QuickInfo and reading the documentation and the example.

There you say:

"You can also do different customization for quick popup on cell and event by checking the ElementType option within the event. You can check ElementType with any of the following. "

So within the event?? My class? or what?

There ist no ElementType. Your Example and documentation is not working out of the box!!!

Well. I want to progress so I downloaded the whole example project from GitHub. I after inspecting the code I found out that I have to provide a virual Property!! Really? Why don't you write this in the documentation?

And why are you using my model for UI decisions? Simply provide two Templates for Cell and Event! (separation of concerns!)

This is really annoying and not very developer friendly.

Now I'm awaiting your answer a then we decide if it is worth buying this components.

1 Reply

BS Balasubramanian Sattanathan Syncfusion Team February 11, 2022 03:50 PM UTC

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

We let you know that the ElementType related functionality has been deprecated from our source side and the differentiation can be achieved through the Id field of the appointment like the below code snippet. Currently, the UG enhancement is in-progress and will refresh the changes with the proper explanation on our upcoming patch release.

Code snippet:

@((context as AppointmentData).Id == default(int) ? "Add Appointment" : "Appointment Details")

There is no need to use virtual property in your model when using the Id field for type differentiation.

We have prepared a sample for your reference and it can be viewed from the below attachment.

Kindly refer to the above solution and let us know if this is helpful.

Balasubramanian S


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