Syncfusion Team
June 28, 2004 07:05 PM UTC
Hi mawani,
the GridGroupingControl.TableControl is derived from GridControlBase and therefore has BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods.
However, if you do look for functionality like Suspend/ResumeBinding where you want to make a batch of changes to your underlying data source
you can just set the following two properties:
groupingGrid.Table.TableDirty = true;
groupingGrid.Table.SummariesDirty = true;
TableDirty = true indicates to the engine that it needs to recategorize elements and refresh counters and summaries the next time it is painted or the the next you want to access a record or summary information.
In the bindingList_ListChanged event handler the engine checks for the TableDirty flag. If it is set to true the ListChanged event will be ignored.