How can I select column in GridControl from code?

If user select column 1, I need to select 3, 5, 7, 9 columns. Best regards.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 16, 2004 07:42 AM UTC

One way you can do this is to handle the SelectionsChanged event.
private void gridControl1_SelectionChanged(object sender, GridSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
		this.gridControl1.Selections.SelectRange(GridRangeInfo.Col(3), true);
		this.gridControl1.Selections.SelectRange(GridRangeInfo.Col(5), true);
		this.gridControl1.Selections.SelectRange(GridRangeInfo.Col(7), true);
		this.gridControl1.Selections.SelectRange(GridRangeInfo.Col(9), true);

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