Filter data by custom component in Gantt Chart .

1.Can we search in Gantt chart by custom component .This custom component can be multi select dropdown.So once we select multiple values from custom component ,Gantt  chart data should be filtered based on selected values .Please find screenshot below .

2.Performance issue while loading around 700 records at a time .Can you suggest  .

1 Reply

PP Pooja Priya Krishna Moorthy Syncfusion Team November 20, 2019 03:28 PM UTC

Hi Sudhanshu, 
Please find the below response. 
Syncfusion Comments 
Gantt  chart data should be filtered based on selected values 
Currently there is no direct support, to filter the records based on multiple values. We have achieved this in work around. We have filtered records based on multiple values and updated the data source. Please find the below code example. 
var predicate = new Predicate('taskName', 'contains', 'pla', true).or('taskName', 'contains', 'get', 'true'); 
    setTimeout(() => { 
        new DataManager(selfData) 
            .executeQuery(new Query().where(predicate).take(8)) 
            .then((e) => { 
                var obj = document.getElementById('Default').ej2_instances[0]; 
                obj.dataSource = e.result; 
    }, 2000) 
Performance issue while loading around 700 records at a time .Can you suggest  . 
We have logged a feature to load the data on demand. In this support, at load time only parent records are rendered. While clicking on the expander icon, corresponding parent’s child records will render. 
You can track its status from below feedback link. 
As we have already lined up some major features, we could not start this feature immediately. We will implement this support and include in any our upcoming releases. 
Please cast your vote to make it count. We will prioritize the features for every release based on demands. 
Until then we appreciate your patience. 
Pooja Priya K. 

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