SfEffectsView needs improvements, because of its problem lots of other controls crash when Visual="Material"


I was going to write about problems with SfExpander when Visual="Material" but actually it is wider problem. When Material is active lots of controls wrap elements in SfEffectsView to show ripple effects, its nice, but unfortunately there are some unsolved problems with SfEffectsView so app crashes often in such scenerio.

For example there is fairly random System.NullReferenceException when you navigate from page, go back, and try to expand (few times). Details bellow.

I hope it can be fixed soon in coming releases.

Best regards,
Radoslaw Kubas

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.SfEffectsViewRenderer.AddRippleEffect () [0x0003c] in <6078e8276df04c49a12b9f71abfd9f48>:0 
  at Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.SfEffectsViewRenderer.AddEffects (Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.SfEffects effects) [0x00031] in <6078e8276df04c49a12b9f71abfd9f48>:0 
  at Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.SfEffectsViewRenderer.ApplyEffects (Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.SfEffects effects, Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.EffectsView.RippleStartPosition rippleStartPosition, System.Nullable`1[T] rippleStartPoint, System.Boolean repeat) [0x000de] in <6078e8276df04c49a12b9f71abfd9f48>:0 
  at Syncfusion.XForms.iOS.Expander.ExpanderHeader.OnHeaderViewTapped () [0x0003a] in <019b1f7cf36d4fd184b4067c12616fd6>:0 
  at UIKit.UIGestureRecognizer+ParameterlessDispatch.Activated () [0x00000] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/ 

5 Replies

LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 29, 2019 03:45 PM UTC

Hi Radoslaw,


Greetings from Syncfusion.


We have checked the reported scenario and the issue is not reproduced in iOS platform when setting Visual property as Material in the SfExpander. Could you please ensure once whether you have initialized the SfEffectsViewRenderer in the AppDelegate.cs file? We have attached the tested sample.


Please check the below sample and confirm us whether you can able to reproduce the issue in your side. If you still facing the issue, please revert us by modifying the attached sample to reproduce the issue which will be helpful for us to assist you earlier.



Lakshmi R.

Attachment: ExpanderEffectsView_66957d76.zip

RK Radoslaw Kubas October 31, 2019 10:40 AM UTC


Thank you for your answer. I prepared modified sample to show the issue. To reproduce in iOS simulator:

1. Expand "Expander 1"
2. Tap "GotoNewPage" in "Expander 1"
3. On the new page expand "Expander 1"
4. Tab "Back"
5. On the MainPage expand "Expander 2"

I hope it helps.

Best regards,
Radoslaw Kubas

Attachment: ExpanderEffectsView_66957d76_ee6aee0.zip

LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team November 1, 2019 02:04 PM UTC

Hi Radoslaw,

We are able to reproduce the reported issue. We are validating the issue, we will update you the status on November 5th, 2019.

Lakshmi R. 

LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team November 5, 2019 01:50 PM UTC

Hi Radoslaw,


We were able to reproduce the reported issue. We have confirmed this as an issue and logged bug report. We will include the fix in our upcoming weekly NuGet which is available on 12th November 2019. You can track the bug status from the below link.


Feedback: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/9959/ios-nullreference-exception-thrown-in-the-sfeffectsview-when-navigating-front-and


If you have any more specification/precise replication procedure or a scenario to be tested, you can add it as a comment in the portal link above. We appreciate your patience until then. 



Lakshmi R.


RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team November 12, 2019 12:01 PM UTC

Hi Radoslaw, 
We are glad to announce that our weekly NuGet was rolled out today and fix for the reported issue was included in the weekly NuGet. 
NuGet Version:
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.

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