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Examples provided by support should be provided in a consistent format

Sometimes when i get examples back from the syncfusion support team they are provided in a range of formats.

Sometimes they are a zip file that contains vs code files, other times it might be a zip file of a visual studio project, sometimes its stackblitz and sometimes its codesandbox. There are other formats i have received too.

I think it would be beneficial for the support team to choose a particular format and then always provide that format so that opening up and testing the provided examples is a lot easier. If we get zip files then we have to unzip, then load them up in the application and then run etc etc. I personally prefer codesandbox (mainly because ive not used other online tools) but think that always providing an online example where we can open it up and see the solution a lot quicker would be a better form of support.

Many thanks


1 Reply

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team May 10, 2019 04:25 PM UTC

Hi Mike,  
Thanks for bringing this aspect to our attention. We do have guidelines for how support samples should be provided, but since we support a number of platforms, the requirements are different for each platform. We will standardize on the following format and delivery systems as detailed below.  
Online Code Editing  
ZIP File with project  
Essential JS 2 (EJ2)  
JS/Angular/React – Stackblitz 
Vue – CodeSandbox 
As needed  
Supports only Server side model for now and they are working on Client side support.  
As needed 
EJ2 with ASP.NET Core  
As needed 
Essential JS 1   
As needed  
EJ1 with ASP.NET MVC  
ASP.NET Core  
ASP.NET Web Forms  
As needed 
Not applicable  
Default option is ZIP file 
Not applicable  
Default option is ZIP file 
Others such as JSP, PHP, Aurelia, etc 
Default option is ZIP file 

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