Starting in 2019, the Reporting control is no longer included in Essential Studio®. If you're experiencing issues with the Syncfusion� Reporting Platform, Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer, we recommend migrating to Bold Reports, our dedicated reporting platform.

Bold Reports offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features for all your reporting needs, and we will help you make a smooth transition from the discontinued control. Our support team at is here to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may encounter during the migration process.

We thank you for choosing Syncfusion� and appreciate your understanding.

Print Background image

Dear Sir/Modem

I am writing to ask you how can I print background image in report viewer?

Your prompt reply is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

3 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 23, 2019 06:41 AM UTC

Hi Hassan, 
We can able to print the background images in our ASP.NET Core report viewer sample. Please find the below steps for how to create a report with image background and print that report in our report viewer. 
1.      Add embedded image in you report as shown in below snap. 
2.      Right click the body item and choose the properties. 
3.      choose the image for background as shown in below snap. 
4.      Save the report and add the report in ASP.NET Core report viewer application. 
5.      Render the report in report viewer and click the print button the background image is shown in below snap. 
For your reference please find the below attached RDL file. 
The above suggestion did not meet your requirement then could you please share some additional details to provide the response. 
Vinoth S. 

HA Hassan April 23, 2019 03:29 PM UTC

thanks for your support. unfortunately i tried but it didn't happen. i need the background to be printed in my print. is there any better solution ? Please Help
i would be appreciated if you answer me as soon as possible.

Attachment: Capture_7183cc45.rar

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 24, 2019 10:06 AM UTC

Hi Hassan, 
Images are not displayed in print preview due to passing content or stream to browser before loading the image tag. This can be avoided by increasing the value of the ‘printDelay’ property value as in the following code snippet. 
<ej-report-viewer id="reportviewer1" report-service-url="../Home" report-print="onPrintReport"/> 
    function onPrintReport(args) { 
            var data = $("#reportviewer1").data('ejReportViewer'); 
            if ( != "msie") 
                args.printWind.printDelay = 2000; 
            args.isStyleLoad = false; 
Please find the below kb documentation for your reference. 
Vinoth S. 

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