Dashboard in Winforms

I need a dashboard control in winforms. I couldn't find any.
I found Dashboard designer. But could not create one in Winforms
Please provide some sample for the dashboard. I want controls to be arranged and moved freely

1 Reply

AA Arulraj A Syncfusion Team December 10, 2018 11:15 AM UTC

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 
The designer layout in Dashboard Designer is a build in component and it is not available right now as a control. You can achieve your requirement by using WinForms Docking Manager. Please refer the following UG documentation and samples to know more about Docking Manager. 
Installed Samples: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Syncfusion\Windows\<Version>\Tools.Windows\Samples\Docking manager 
Let us know whether this helps also if you need any further assistance on this. 
Arulraj A 

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