SDK "BehaviorsXamlSDKManaged, Version=12.0" could not be found

When I try to run any SfChart (e.g. StackedChart) the following error appears: SDK "BehaviorsXamlSDKManaged, Version=12.0" could not be found
I tried to add the missing NuGet Package, but with no success. Visual Studio also displays the message that the component "Behaviors SDK (XAML)" could not be found. 

I tried it on several Win10 and Mac OS (with parallels) machines, all with VS2017. 

Does anybody know a solution to this problem? Do I have to import something else?

1 Reply

DS Durgadevi Selvaraj Syncfusion Team October 3, 2017 01:50 PM UTC

Hi Marvin, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

We suspect this problem occurred, due to not referring Microsoft Behaviors SDK properly. Could you please ensure the availability of Microsoft Behaviors SDK in your local machine. If so, then refer it from the local machine or install the Microsoft Behavior packages for UWP application from the below link, 

Durgadevi S 

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