Drawer closing event detection


First thanks for the NavigationDrawer, it seems to be a very good tool. Unfortunately I'm facing a small problem that make it very difficult to use.

I'm trying the example : https://help.syncfusion.com/xamarin/sfnavigationdrawer/getting-started?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=xaml#set-listview-as-drawer-content

And here is my issue, when the drawer is open and I try to click on one of the item in the ListView, if I tap more than half a second the item the application detect that I want to close the Drawer and it's not the event "Click on the ListView" that's is handled but "Close the Drawer" instead that is detected and the drawer start to swipe if I move my finger.

So to make it work I need to tap the ListView item very fast, like if I were playing a Tap Speed Game (LoL).

Is there any way to change the duration of the event handler ?

I really want to work with your Drawer it seems to be very well done !

I'm testing the Application on Samsung S6 and S7 Edge.


1 Reply

SK Selva Kumar  Veerakrishnan Syncfusion Team September 26, 2017 01:43 PM UTC

Hi Drif,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We have fixed this issue “Item tapped of SfNavigationDrawer list is not working properly on Samsung S7 and S6 edge device” in the Volume 3 Service pack 1. Please check with our updated version of Syncfusion Essential Studio to over come this reported issue.

Please download our Essential Studio Volume 3 Service Pack 1, 2017 (Version from the link given below.

Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/132413/essential-studio-2017-volume-3-service-pack-release-v15-3-0-29-available-for-download  

Selva Kumar V.

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