Fail on Open

I have files that won''t ExcelUtils.Open, and have stripped one down to a near-empty shell, and even copied the one remaining sheet into a new workbook (in case it was an older BIFF scenario), and still can''t open that. Here it is. Thanks for checking into this, Greg

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 24, 2004 05:21 AM UTC

Hi Greg, Thanks for attaching the sample file. I was able to reproduce the problem. I have already reported the issue to the development team. We will fix it as soon as possible and make a custom build available to you with all the fixes. Sorry for the inconvenience. Best regards, Stephen. >I have files that won''t ExcelUtils.Open, and have stripped one down to a near-empty shell, and even copied the one remaining sheet into a new workbook (in case it was an older BIFF scenario), and still can''t open that. > >Here it is. > > > >Thanks for checking into this, >Greg

GR Greg April 27, 2004 07:27 PM UTC

Thanks Stephen, for getting work done on this. I discovered another, though I don''t know if it is different, blowup when opening an xls file. If the file contains a formula from an add-in, I can''t get past the .Open. I was hoping to be able to read the formula, and make my own decision of what to do with it (#Error leaving it there, put quote in front to make it string, etc.). But of course, I can''t get that far just yet. Thanks, Greg

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