Schedule not executing

I am unable to execute a schedule. I have created  a schedule to run daily at say 10AM
 I can run is manually, however, it does not run automatically and show status as completed whereas is should be active as it should never expires as per settings.
I have some user level filters on the dashboard and I am trying to send to external emails.
Manually, it runs and sends the data as it should.

Hope you can help me understand the problem



5 Replies

AB Arasuraja Balakrishnan Syncfusion Team August 29, 2017 05:04 PM UTC

Hi Enrochem,    
Thank you for using Syncfusion products. 
We suspect that the Dashboard scheduler service cannot be running in your Dashboard server installed machine. 
Please ensure whether the Dashboard scheduler service has been installed and is in a running state in your machine.    
  1. Go to command prompt and type services.msc to open the services panel.   
  2. Please check whether ‘Syncfusion Dashboard Server Scheduler’ service is in a Running state as shown below.   
  1. If it is not running, press start in the left side panel as below,
  1. If the Dashboard scheduler service is not present in the installed service list, please navigate to the below path
C:\Syncfusion\Dashboard Server\SchedulerServiceInstaller    
  1. You can find the ‘Syncfusion.Server.Base.Dashboards.SchedulerService.Installer.exe’ executable file, and you have to run the file to install the Syncfusion Dashboard server scheduler in your machine.   
If it is already in running state, send us the log files from the following locations,    
Dashboard server - C:\Syncfusion\Dashboard Server\DashboardServer.Web\App_Data\Logs    
Dashboard service - C:\Syncfusion\Dashboard Server\DashboardServer.Web\DashboardService\ErrorLog    
It will be helpful for us to know more about the issue and reproduce the issue on our side. 
Arasuraja B. 

EN Enrochem August 30, 2017 01:59 AM UTC


Many thanks. It works

It was supposed to be automatically started but was not running somehow


MS Makila Subramaniyan Syncfusion Team August 30, 2017 09:47 AM UTC

Hi Enrochem ,   
Thanks for letting us know that the given solution worked.   
Query: It was supposed to be automatically started but was not running somehow 
We are unable to reproduce the issue from our end. Please send us the details below from the Dashboard Server installed machine,   
1.       Machine configuration (Operating system)  
2.       Dashboard Server log files from below location  
        C:\Syncfusion\Dashboard Server\DashboardServer.Web\App_Data\Logs   
It will be helpful for us to reproduce the issue and provide a prompt solution.   
Makila S.   

EN Enrochem August 30, 2017 10:42 AM UTC


the OS is WinServer 2008

The log files are attached. The service does not start automatically after machine-restart.


Attachment: Logs_38edb736.7z

MS Makila Subramaniyan Syncfusion Team August 31, 2017 11:40 AM UTC

Hi Enrochem,   

We are unable to reproduce the issue and we would look to have meeting with you. So, we have created support incident under your account to track the status of this issue.  
Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.   

Makila S. 

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