Hi Héctor,
Thanks for using Syncfusion product!
Please follow the below steps to configure SSL for your Dashboard Server in the Azure app services,
- Navigate to the Dashboard Server app in the App Services and get the publisher profile.
- Get the FTP publish URL, username and password form the publisher profile.
- Connect to FTP through FileZilla using the above credentials and navigate to the “DashbaordService” folder.
- Move the “Web.config” file which is in the DashboardService folder in to the local folder.
- Download and extract the Syncfusion Dashboard Service Configuration Manager from the below link and place it in the same folder where you have the “Web.config” file.
- Run Syncfusion Dashboard Service Configuration Manager application and select “Enable” and save it.
- Move and replace the updated “Web.config” file into the “DashbaordService” folder.
I hope this will fix your issue in rendering the dashboard in the Azure app services. If you still facing this issue, please provide us the error log to investigate more on this.
You can find the error logs in the FTP by navigating to the below paths,
- /site/wwwroot/App_Data/Logs
- /site/wwwroot/DashboardService/ErrorLog
Please let us know if you have any queries.