How to automatically set grid cells to edit mode (GridMaskColumn)


I am struggling to get the SfDataGrid to automatically change to edit mode when you change cells.

<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                               ItemsSource="{Binding EmployeeDetails}"
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Nr" MappingName="Number" AllowEditing="False"  />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Vorname" MappingName="FirstName" AllowEditing="False" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Nachname" MappingName="LastName" AllowEditing="False" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="V" MappingName="Foul" />
                <syncfusion:GridMaskColumn Mask="00:00" HeaderText="2" MappingName="TimeFoul" />

If I select the cell "foul", the cell is displayed correctly editable. However, when I select the "TimeFoul", nothing happens. I can write data and I can display this with F2, but not more. The "OnTap" does not work with the GridMaskColumn. What do I overlook?

3 Replies

SV Srinivasan Vasu Syncfusion Team August 2, 2017 01:38 PM UTC

Hi Dennis, 

We are unable to reproduce the reported “GridCell not entered in EditMode in single click of GridMaskColumn” issue with the given details. For your reference, we have attached the sample which we have used to reproduce the issue from our end and it has been tested against Syncfusion Essential Studio version and Please find the sample from the below link 

Kindly provide us your assembly version details which you are using to reproduce the issue along with the Syncfusion.SfGrid.WPF.dll assembly and modify the given sample for reproducing this issue from our end, thereby we will analyze further and update you with the appropriate solution as much as earlier. 


DT Dennis Theel August 2, 2017 02:12 PM UTC

Hi Srinivasan,

thank you for the reference. As you guessed right, it was the assembly. This was falsely automatically set to 15.2451.0.40 and not to 15.2460.0.40. After the conversion it works as in the sample.



GT Gnanasownthari Thirugnanam Syncfusion Team August 3, 2017 05:23 AM UTC

Hi Dennis, 
We are glad that your issue has been fixed 
Please let us know if you need any other assistance. 
Gnanasownthari T. 

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