Put Dashboard Server under Default Web Site

Hi, this is my setup:

I have installed Dashboard Server on IIS with the name "DashboardServer" on port 60492. When i go to http://localhost:60492 it shows the dashboard as expected, and i can view the dashboard samples without problem.

My requirement:
I need to put the Dashboard Server under "Default Web Site" as an Application. So, i went ahead and create an Application (name sgeds) under "Default Web Site", and change the folder to point to C:\Syncfusion\Dashboard Server\DashboardServer.Web, and also selected the proper Application Pool. Then, when i go to http://localhost/sgeds It looks like it works, but when i try to view any dashboard sample, it shows a "loading" icon, and never shows the dashboard information.

Please your help in order with my requirement. Thanks.

1 Reply

MS Makila Subramaniyan Syncfusion Team June 22, 2017 07:03 AM UTC

Hi Eduardo,   
Thank you for using Syncfusion products.   
Can you please ensure whether the following virtual folders are converted to an application?    
1.  API   
2. Dashboard Service   
3.  Windows Authentication   
The reported issue occurs if those virtual directories are not converted as applications and we suspect that your issue arose due to the same.   
Please refer to the below link for more details:    
Makila S. 

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