Syncfusion Dashboard Platform v2.2.0.31 is available for download

Syncfusion Dashboard Platform v2.2.0.31 is available for download

Key features

Dashboard Platform SDK

Ionic and JSP Frameworks support — Embed dashboards using Ionic and JSP Frameworks in web applications through wrappers.

Dashboard Designer

Multi-tabbed Dashboards  — Organize related dashboards as one file and showcase them in tabs on one page.

Custom Widgets  — Add your own HTML5 and JavaScript-based widgets into a dashboard in just a few steps.

Dedicated Filter Panel  — Add filter widgets to this dedicated filter panel to accommodate more visualization widgets in the designer surface.

Grid Pager  — Navigate across record pages using this at the bottom of the grid to find out about the total records, current page, and total pages’ details.

XER File Support Under Text Document Connection  — Text document connections now support establishing connections with *.xer extension type files holding tab-separated values.

Dashboard Server

Data Notifications — Receive email notifications when specific values reach a defined threshold, such as when the total sales are greater than $10,000.

Home Pages — Create personalized home pages by pinning widgets from across multiple dashboards. This greatly simplifies keeping track of important metrics from different dashboards.

Pinning Widgets and Dashboards — Pin any widget from a published dashboard or pin a published dashboard itself to a home page.

Turn On/Off Public Dashboards — Turn off public access to dashboards marked as public in the Dashboard Server.

Deploy Dashboard Server on Microsoft Azure — Easily scale your dashboard server application on demand by deploying as an Azure App Service or Azure Virtual Machine.

Mobile Application — View and interact with dashboards hosted on the dashboard server from mobile devices using the available Android and iOS mobile applications.

Syncfusion Dashboard Platform Team     

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