Doughnut Series Zooming

Hi Support,

Question: Is zooming supported on Doughnut Series Chaart?

I have an SFChart where I added a Doughnut Series. The chart is rendered properly however, I am not able to make the zooming functions to work. Below are some of the snippets for the chart.

Creating the series..

SFDoughnutSeries _series = new SFDoughnutSeries(); 
_series.CircularCoefficient = 0.6f;
_series.DoughnutCoefficient = 0.6f;
_series.StartAngle = 180;
_series.EndAngle = 540;

_series.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Custom;
_series.ColorModel.CustomColors = _normalPalette;

_series.EnableSmartLabels = true;
_series.DataMarkerPosition = SFChartCircularSeriesLabelPosition.OutsideExtended;
_series.ConnectorLineType = SFChartConnectorLineType.Bezier;
_series.DataMarker.ShowLabel = true;
_series.DataMarker.LabelContent = SFChartLabelContent.Percentage;

Adding Zoom Pan behaviour:

SFChartZoomPanBehavior _chartZoomPanBehavior = new SFChartZoomPanBehavior
  EnableDoubleTap = false,
  EnablePanning = true,
  EnableZooming = true,
}; //Tried other combinations as well....

I would like to know if this feature is enabled in this series type.

Thanks in advance!


1 Reply

PS Parthiban Sundaram Syncfusion Team February 4, 2017 08:50 AM UTC

Hi Mohan,

Currently, we do not have support to zoom the Doughnut chart. we are logged this feature which is estimated to be available on any of our upcoming Essential Studio release.

Please let us know, if you need further assistance.

Parthiban S

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