No summary when using URLAdapter

I also get 0 from summary. Some fields in the DB may contain a NULL values and it in INT type.

                            .Datasource(ds => ds.URL(@Url.Action("GetData", "OneCloud")).UpdateURL(@Url.Action("Update", "OneCloud")).Adaptor(AdaptorType.UrlAdaptor))


        .SummaryRow(row =>
            row.Title("Totals").SummaryColumns(col => { col.SummaryType(SummaryType.Sum).Format("{0:N}").DisplayColumn("Storage").DataMember("Storage").Add(); }).Add();


3 Replies

SS Seeni Sakthi Kumar Seeni Raj Syncfusion Team January 19, 2017 01:19 PM UTC

Hi Michael, 
We suspect that your URL method is missing the server-side operation for the summary rows. When using UrlAdaptor, you have to handle all the Grid actions in the server-end. Likewise, the SummaryRows also falls to the same category.  
In the server-end, you have to select he required aggregate columns and return the same to the client-end. Refer to the following code example. 
        .Datasource(ds => 
        .SummaryRow(row => 
                .SummaryColumns(col => {  
                 . . . 
        public ActionResult DataSource(Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataManager dm) 
            IEnumerable datasource = new NorthwindDataContext().OrdersViews.ToList(); 
            DataResult result = new DataResult(); 
            DataOperations operation = new DataOperations(); 
            List<string> str = new List<string>(); 
            if (dm.Aggregates != null) 
                for (var i = 0; i < dm.Aggregates.Count; i++) 
                result.aggregate = operation.PerformSelect(datasource, str); 
            int count = datasource.AsQueryable().Count(); 
                 . .  
                    . . . 
            result.count = count; 
            result.result = datasource; 
            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
        public class DataResult { 
            public IEnumerable result { get; set; } 
            public int count { get; set; } 
            public IEnumerable aggregate { get; set; } 
We have also prepared a sample that can be downloaded from the following location. 
Refer to the following Help Document. 
Seeni Sakthi Kumar S. 

ML Michael Lambert January 23, 2017 05:54 PM UTC

Worked!  Thanks!!

SS Seeni Sakthi Kumar Seeni Raj Syncfusion Team January 24, 2017 04:42 AM UTC

Hi Michael,  
We are happy to hear that your requirement has been achieved. Please get back to us, if you require further assistance on this. 
Seeni Sakthi Kumar S. 

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