Autocomplete autofill/dropdown issue in chrome


I'm using Google Chrome v54.0.2840.99 m (64-bit) and i've enabled showpopupbutton option in autocomplete. When i click on the button, the autofill is not working as well as the dropdown is not opening. I've viewed the source code and could see two values binded to it.

It works fine when using Edge. In chrome, if there are many values (say about 10) then it works properly.

Even the demo page can be used to reproduce this issue - 


7 Replies

AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team November 14, 2016 12:52 PM UTC

Hi Ajay, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. We have tried to reproduce the reported scenario and unfortunately we are unable to reproduce it. We have used the chrome latest version v54.0.2840.99 m (64-bit) to check the issue as you have mentioned but still the issue doesn’t occurs. Also we are not able to reproduce the issue in the online demo link. 
We have also recorded a video and also attached a sample for your convenience. 
We also requested you to share us the below information. 
1.       Issue reproducible sample (use the shared sample to reproduce) 
2.       Screenshots of script errors in console window (if any) 
3.       System configuration details 
Please provide the above information so that it would help us to serve you better. 
Let us know if you have any queries. 

Arun P 

AJ Ajay November 14, 2016 07:47 PM UTC


I was able to reproduce if you have less than 4 items in chrome using the sample provided. 



ES Ezhil S Syncfusion Team November 15, 2016 11:31 AM UTC

Hi Ajay, 

Thanks for the update. 

We were unable to reproduce the issue with our latest release version We suspect that the issue might occur if you are using “ej.web.all.min.js” script file before our main release Volume 3, 2016 and missing easing reference. If you are using older release (below Volume 3) script files, then you must refer “jQuery.easing” dependency in your application. Refer the below release notes for Volume 3, 

If still you are facing the issue in your end, please share us the “ej.web.all.min.js” file used in your application and also confirm the version used. So that we can provide you an appropriate solution. 
Please let us know if you need further assistance. 
Ezhil S

MA mani January 29, 2017 03:36 PM UTC

I have same problem with Chrome version Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit)  and Syncfusion 14.4.20 in Dot Net CORE 1.1

SS Selvamani Sankarappan Syncfusion Team January 30, 2017 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Mani, 
Thanks for the update. 
A support incident to track the status has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 
Selvamani S. 

AJ Ajay replied to Selvamani Sankarappan February 2, 2017 07:49 PM UTC

Hi Mani, 
Thanks for the update. 
A support incident to track the status has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 
Selvamani S. 


Can you include me for the updates? I'm facing the same issue. The issue seem to not occur in IE though.


AP Arun Palaniyandi Syncfusion Team February 3, 2017 12:35 PM UTC

Hi Ajay,  
Thanks for the update.  
A support incident to track the status has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.  
Arun P. 

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