RangeSlider's Tick & Label are not displayed when used inside ListView

I've a list of actions in ListView each containing RangeSlider for marking progress by user. But the Ticks & Labels are not displayed (in UWP & iOS. I've not tested on Android). Tick & Label is displayed if its used outside ListView. Here is the code:

 <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ActionSteps}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedActionStep, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
          <Grid Padding="0,15,0,0">
              <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

              <Label Text="{Binding Action}"/>
              <rangeSlider:SfRangeSlider ShowValueLabel="True" ValuePlacement="TopLeft" TickPlacement="TopLeft" SnapsTo="Ticks" TickFrequency="1" 
                                         Minimum="0" Maximum="{Binding Repetitions}"
                                         ShowRange="False" Value="{Binding CompletedRepetitions, Mode=TwoWay}"
                                         HeightRequest="20" Margin="0,0,200,0" Orientation="Horizontal"/>

            <Label Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding Quote.Statement}" TextColor="Gray" FontSize="10"/>


RangeSlider with no Tick & Label

1 Reply

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team September 12, 2016 11:59 AM UTC

Hi Keshav,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We were able to reproduce the reported issue “RangeSlider’s tick and label are not displayed when it is added in ListView” at our end. And logged a bug report for the same. The fix for the bug will be included in our Volume 3 SP 1 release which is expected to be rolled out by the end of October 2016.

Pavendhan K.

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