Remove Connector in javascript.

Hi all,
I'am searching for a method to delete a selected connector programmatically.
I tried the following methods, but the connector will not be removed from the Diagramm:

1. Version
 var diagram = $('#DiagramContent').ejDiagram("instance");
 var  selectedItem = dialog.selectedItems[0]; // The connector was selected by the user

Because this doesn't work I tried the following:
var diagram = $('#DiagramContent').ejDiagram("instance");
 var  selectedItem = dialog.selectedItems[0]; // The connector was selected by the user
 var cons = $('#DiagramContent').ejDiagram("connectors");

After I am doing this Version, when I take a look in the model of the diagram, the connectors Array has lost the selected connector, but the diagram always shoes the connector between the nodes. I am using OrganizationalChart as layout type.

Hope that aybody can help me. Thanks in advanced


3 Replies

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team August 30, 2016 04:27 AM UTC

Hi Andreas, 

We have created a sample to achieve your requirement and it is available in the below link for download. Please refer to the code example below. 

Code example: 
    var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance"); 
    //to get the selected items 
    var selectedItem = diagram.model.selectedItems.children[0]; 
    if (selectedItem) { 
     //remove the selected item 
    //update the layout 

Shyam G 

OE oserv Entwickler August 30, 2016 02:44 PM UTC

Hi Shyam,
thanks for your Reply. That was what I had done. So I have searched for another mistake I had made, and found it. I assumed, that when I remove the "Delete" constrain I only deny the deletion by using the ContextMenu or the ESC-Key. Because this should not be possible for the user, I am now Setting this flag before I call diagram.remove, an now all works as excpected.

Very Thanks


SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team August 31, 2016 05:07 AM UTC

Hi Andreas, 

We are happy to hear that your problem is resolved. 

Shyam G 

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