Support RTL (Arabic)


I faced a problem generating pdf document that has arabic text in it. Since SF PDF does not support RTL for the moment, my friend and I were able to come with a solution for supporting Arabic language.

you can find the solution on github repo:

you can clone the solution and please share if you have any suggestions or enhancement.

Supported Language

  • Arabic

Known Issues

  • it does not support all the fonts
  • some of supported fonts it does not support the text with Tashkeel
  • (Warping issue) when the long line of text get warped, it write the lines as it is but from last to first so that the last line will be the first line in the paragraph and the first line will be the last line in the paragraph.

How it works

  • it take the Arabic text word by word, each word takes its letters and draw them according to each letter position within the word.(Beginning, Middle, End, Isolated)
  • each position of each letter has its own Unicode character drawing.

many thanks to Bader Alghamdi.

3 Replies

PH Praveenkumar H Syncfusion Team April 29, 2016 10:00 AM UTC

Hi Alzahrani, 

Thank you for your solution to draw Arabic text in PDF document. 

We are currently analyzing your solution to meet our standard so we will include the solution in our product according to the analysis.  

Please let us know if you need further assistance. 

With Regards, 

TA Taher A. AlZahrani replied to Praveenkumar H May 3, 2016 03:06 PM UTC

Hi Alzahrani, 

Thank you for your solution to draw Arabic text in PDF document. 

We are currently analyzing your solution to meet our standard so we will include the solution in our product according to the analysis.  

Please let us know if you need further assistance. 

With Regards, 

Hi Praveenkumar H,
just let me know if you are going to include it in your product and if there is any enhancement to the solution

you can find the sample solution on OneDrive (Click Here)

Best Regards,

PH Praveenkumar H Syncfusion Team May 4, 2016 12:06 PM UTC

Hi Taher, 

The given solution is only working for Arabic languages , we are currently analyzing a generic solution to include support for all the RTL languages, so we don’t have plans to include this solution in our product now. 
However we will publish this solution as a workaround in our KB to preserve the Arabic languages. 

Please let us know if you need further assistance. 

With Regards, 

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