Modify excel cell values and save


I need preprocess an excel and rename the columns heades.

In debug mode, I can see that the columns has the new values, but when I save the excel, the changes are not saved.

I attach an example



2 Replies

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team April 28, 2016 09:31 AM UTC

Hi Manolo, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

In provided sample, the values of column header are changed in second worksheet of the workbook i.e. 2016. Please find the screen shots of code example and the generated excel file in the below table. 
Code example 
Generated Excel file 

As the sheet index in worksheet collection’s item is zero-based, the given code in the sample refers only the second sheet and so changes are reflected in it. If you are still facing this issue, please provide us your working Syncfusion assembly version along with machine culture information which will be helpful for us to provide you the prompt solution at the earliest. 

Please let us know if you have any concerns. 

Dilli babu 

MA Manolo April 29, 2016 06:29 AM UTC

Ups... sorry

I'm stupid _:)


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