Set The AdornmentsPosition for each segment


Is it possible to set the AdornmentsPosition property for each individual segment of a chart ?



9 Replies

SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 20, 2015 09:21 AM UTC

Hi George,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have analyzed your requirement. In SfChart, AdornmentPosition functionality will be applied to all the adornments in the series. Please provide more information about your requirement. This would help us to give you an appropriate solution.


Santhiya A.

GS George Sterg November 20, 2015 09:25 AM UTC

I would like to set some adornments with TopBottom position and other with Top position. I would to change that  by setting it from the labelTemplate ( a TextBlock for example).

SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 20, 2015 03:48 PM UTC

Hi George,

Thanks for your update.

We have prepared a work around sample to place an adornment either in Top or TopBottom based on the segment’s height. Please find the sample from the following location.

Sample: Adornment_121212


Santhiya A.

GS George Sterg November 23, 2015 06:11 PM UTC

Hello Santhiya,

Thanks the sample was very helpful. I also nee your assistance  to rotate the label segment based on the segment’s width. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance


SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 24, 2015 12:47 PM UTC

Hi George,

Thanks for your update.

You can achieve your requirement by using the LabelRotationAngle property in the AdornmentInfo. We have modified the sample for your reference. Please find the sample from the following location.

Sample: Adornment_121212


Santhiya A

GS George Sterg November 24, 2015 01:27 PM UTC

The sample is giving me an error that the AdornmentInfo has no definition for the LabelRotationAngle. I'm using the 13.1451.0.21 version.


SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 25, 2015 09:53 AM UTC

Hi George,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

“LabelRotationAngle for Adornments” feature available from 13.2 release version. Could you please upgrade to the latest version? Or else please find the modified sample with a work around from the following location.

Sample: Adornment_121212


Santhiya A

GS George Sterg November 25, 2015 01:02 PM UTC

Hi Santhiya,

Currenty I will use the work around, but an update is a "to-do" in the future.


SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 26, 2015 07:14 AM UTC

Hi George,

Thanks for your update.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.


Santhiya A

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