Doubt about SFNavigationDrawer's implementation

Hi, I'm Pedro.

We're trying to use theSFNavigationDrawer for Android

But, we saw the documentation, but it doesn't work for us.

Can you please send me an example of how to use this component ?

We need to implement this control in our application very very soon

Thank you very much

8 Replies

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team November 19, 2015 10:25 AM UTC

Hi Pedro,

We have prepared a simple sample in Xamarin.Android for NavigationDrawer and it is available in the below link.


Please have a look at the sample and let us know if you have any query.

Hemalatha M.

SA SAGE November 19, 2015 11:11 AM UTC

Hi Again !

The sample that sent me ,  two errors ocurred :

First error : Error in SeparatorView , I commented all code of SeparatorView , and solved the error

Second error: Erro in package Android.Support.v4, this I no solved

Can you help-me, please?

Thank you !

SA SAGE November 19, 2015 11:17 AM UTC

Print attached !

Attachment: printError_f49f5541.rar

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team November 20, 2015 07:05 AM UTC

Hi Pedro,

On analysing the reported issue with the provided screenshot, we found that the issue occurred as the Xamarin packages are not getting downloaded. Usually this might be due to the slow network connections and we can overcome this by manually downloading the packages mentioned in the error list and placing it in the specified locations.

Location : ..\..\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Android.Support.v4\22.1.1\

Hemalatha M

SA SAGE November 23, 2015 12:48 PM UTC

Hi Again ! 

Thanks for reply , but now the project does not run on android phone and in the emulator
Only makes deploy and stop run

Thank you for attention !

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team November 24, 2015 09:40 AM UTC

Hi Pedro,

We have created a new sample and tested, it is working at our end. Please have the sample from the below link

Please let us know if you have any query.

Hemalatha M.

SA SAGE November 27, 2015 01:17 PM UTC

Hi ! 

The problem continues..

But we made some tests

First Test - > We Create new project Blank Android , and added the reference Syncfusion.SfNavigationDrawer.Android.dll  ,  builded with only the reference and worked ...
Second Test -> We added the files NavigationDrawer.cs ,  RoundedImageView.cs , the Resources , etc..,  in our new project Android , we builded with MainActivity = MainLauncher , and worked ...
Third Test -> We change NavigationDrawer.cs to Main Launcher , we builded but no worked ! , Only deployed and stop

if you need that some video of the error, we recorded

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team November 30, 2015 11:39 AM UTC

Hi Pedro,

We have prepared a sample with a new project with NavigationDrawer as a main content and it runs without any issues at our end. Please find the sample in the following link.


If the issue persists even with this sample, please update us the stack trace or any detail on the problem that you are facing. It will be helpful for us to proceed further.

We suggest you to try running the sample with different configurations of device or emulator and update us for further assistance.

Hemalatha M.

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