
Hi. I have been playing around with the new platform (which is amazing) and so far my only issue is about the output file. Is it supposed to contain something? I have been trying to open it from HDFS using Big Data Management Studio and so far I havent found a way, I even tried to download the file to Desktop but the file is not there.

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies

JU Juan replied to Juan October 5, 2014 07:06 PM UTC

Hi. I have been playing around with the new platform (which is amazing) and so far my only issue is about the output file. Is it supposed to contain something? I have been trying to open it from HDFS using Big Data Management Studio and so far I havent found a way, I even tried to download the file to Desktop but the file is not there.

Thanks in advance.

Forgot to mention,  my post was related to a MapReduce job using C#.
Apologies for the double post, couldnt see an Edit button.

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team October 6, 2014 05:37 PM UTC

Hi Juan,

Do you see a part-0000 file in HDFS? Downloading that file and opening it in a text editor should show the output. Shown below is part of the output from the DateTime sample. 

0-1 Hours : 1377
1-2 Hours : 1105
10-11 Hours : 2988
11-12 Hours : 3400
12-13 Hours : 5201

The _SUCCESS file is an empty file and will not have content.



KB Kalaiarasan B Syncfusion Team October 7, 2014 04:24 AM UTC

Hi Juan,

Can you please try downloading the output files into a system drive [like C:\ or D:\] and explore it using a text editor?.

Please let us know the results if you are able to view the output files when downloading to a drive instead of 'Desktop' location.


JU Juan October 8, 2014 04:32 PM UTC

Thanks David and Kalai. Your suggestions helped me solve my "problem".

PP Praveena P Syncfusion Team October 9, 2014 04:17 AM UTC

Hi Juan,

We are glad that your problem has resolved. Please let us know if you have any queries.


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