Custom values for Range Slider control

I'm developing app which will allow to view and download free icons. The icons can have one of the following size values 0, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256, 512. I want to use RangeSlider control to allow user to choose the initial range of icon sizes. But I wan able to set above mentioned custom values for RangeSlider. Is it possible to make RangeSlider to show for steps only the above mentioned values?


2 Replies

VV Vignesh V Syncfusion Team February 17, 2014 11:40 AM UTC

Hi David,


Sorry about the delayed response.


We would like to inform you that we do not have custom value support. Hence we have tried to meet your requirement in sample level. In the sample we have used CustomLabel support and assigned the required values and used it. We have attached the sample in below link.

Please let us know if the sample meets your requirement.


Vignesh V

DG David Grigoryan February 17, 2014 11:59 AM UTC

Hi Vignesh,

For now your solution is acceptable for me. Thanks!


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