Save existing XLSM file as new XLSM file cause missing lookup.

Below is the code that is used to read and save XLSM file:
HttpPostedFile pf = fupUpload.PostedFile;
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pf.FileName);
Stream stream = pf.InputStream;

ExcelEngine ee = new ExcelEngine();
IApplication application = ee.Excel;
application.SkipOnSave = SkipExtRecords.None;
application.SkipOnSave = SkipExtRecords.CopySubstreams;
IWorkbook wb = ee.Excel.Workbooks.Open(stream, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
wb.SaveAs(@"C:\\Testing.xlsm", ExcelSaveType.SaveAsTemplate);

But after save, the new xlsm file will lose the lookup data that exists in the previous xlsm.
I am using the latest Trial Version,
Is there anything that I missed in the code?

1 Reply

SR Sridhar Syncfusion Team October 3, 2013 10:50 AM UTC

Hi Izzwan ,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We are unable to see the reported issue at our side with the simple excel file. Could you please udpate us with the xlsm input file which loses the VLoop data so that we are able to proceed further on this issue.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.


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