Timepicker with custom css class -how

Hi I just got this fantastic set of controls and i have succesfully added them to an excisting MVC application

My problem is than i cant seem to get the timepicker to use a custom css class, I done it on the datepicker like so:

@{ Html.Syncfusion().DatePicker("startDatePicker", new { @class = "input-control text" }).Render(); }

but when i try to do it on the timepicker i get an error (compiling error):

 @Html.Syncfusion().TimePicker("TimePicker","myTimePicker", new { @class = "input-control text" })

And the control needs to be styled

Can anybody help me with the timepicker?


1 Reply

SP Sunil Prabakar C Syncfusion Team September 3, 2013 05:38 AM UTC

Hi Jacob,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We have created a new incident (112573) on behalf of you related to this forum. We suggest you to follow up the incident for further reference using your direct trac account.
Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Sunil Prabakar C

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