Excel Pdf Converter And Conditional Format


I have a problem with xlsio v11.20450.25 and ExcelToPdfConverter.
I load a excel file containing multiple conditional format and display message using "if"
 (Example "=IF(C19>C15;"text";"")" )

When the file is converted in PDF, the conditional format and the operator "if" is not compute.

3 Replies

RA Rajesh A Syncfusion Team July 25, 2013 11:19 AM UTC

Hi Larreur,
          Thank you for using the Syncfusion Product’s.

We are not able to reproduce the above reported issue. Can you please update the issue reproduced sample or excel file. Also, please update us with culture settings at your side. It will help us to investigate further on this issue.

Please let us know if you require any further clarifications.


Rajesh. A

LA Larreur August 12, 2013 03:34 PM UTC


Here is an example of a formal conditional form in cell E6 if the value is between 25 and 50 the background is red.

But in the pdf the background remains white.

Code : 

Attached the excel source and pdf result.

Thanks for your help.


RA Rajesh A Syncfusion Team August 19, 2013 05:38 AM UTC

Hi Larreur,

  Thank you for your update.

We are able to reproduce issue “Conditional formatting issue in excel to PDF converter” from our side. We are requesting you to create a new direct-trac incident and Request for issue in that. This helps us to investigate further on the issue.

Direct-Trac Link: Login

Please let us know if you require any further clarifications.



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