Shortcut Key

Hi Geeks,

Requesting you for your valuable help regarding following issues- 

1.       We are using Syncfusion.Windows.Tools.Controls.TabItemExt as container to contain our user control in windows application.

Shortcuts for Syncfusion ribbon are working fine but we are unable to apply the shortcut for the UserControls opened in TabItemExt. 

Please provide a solution for the shortcut for buttons used in UserControl.

2.       We are unable to use Ribbon.KeyTip for the RibbonButton used in TabPanelItem.

3.       Please also tell how to use Function keys and other key combinations for RibbonButton used in TabPanelItem and other places in use Ribbon.KeyTip. 

1 Reply

RD Ravuthasamy D Syncfusion Team March 18, 2013 09:39 AM UTC

Hi Raj

we have created new incident (105824) under your DirectTrac account for these queries .Please follow the incident 105824 for further technical support.

Please let us know if you have any queries,

Ravuthasamy D

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