Is Blazor supported by IE?
Only server-side Blazor is supported by Microsoft’s Internet Explorer IE 11 when additional polyfills are used. Client-side Blazor is not supported by Internet Explorer due to incompatibility of WebAssembly. You need to add the following polyfills in the _Host.cshtml/_Layout.cshtml page to support Internet Explorer. [_Host.cshtml/_Layout.cshtml]
How to call JavaScript methods from the Blazor (.razor) pages?
You can call JavaScript methods from the Blazor pages with the help of JavaScript Interop by injecting the dependency IJSRuntime into the razor page. Then refer the script in the HTML page of the blazor application. Check this link for more information.
How to install .NET Core 3 and 3.1 Blazor project templates?
To install Blazor project templates, update the .NET Core SDK to the latest version. Blazor server-side template is available by default when you create a new Blazor project in Visual Studio. To get the Blazor WebAssembly project template, install them via the following command line. Check this link for more information.
Where can I find the official Blazor tutorial documentation?
Microsoft Blazor official tutorial documentation can be found in the following link:
What is a Blazor WebAssembly?
Blazor WebAssembly is a client-side web development framework that allows you to build interactive web applications using C# and .NET. It enables you to write code in C# that runs directly in the browser using WebAssembly, providing a rich and interactive user experience. Blazor WebAssembly offers a component-based architecture, enabling you to build reusable UI components, handle user interactions, perform data binding, and communicate with APIs and services.