How to set the focus to an element in Blazor?
To set the focus to a HTML element in Blazor, use the JavaScript interop to pass the HTML element and then use focus JavaScript method. [script.js] [index.razor] View Sample in GitHub
How to set @ref for dynamically generated elements?
To create a reference for dynamically generated components in Blazor, use the dictionary to create the reference for dynamically created elements at runtime.
How to capture input keyboard events?
You can capture input keyboard events by attaching the event handler to the keyboard events such as Keydown, Keypress, or Keyup with the input control. In the following example, the keyboard event handler is attached to all these three events. If you want to identify which keyboard event is captured, you can get the type using the KeyboardEventArg.Type property.
How to read the current value of an input in the OnKeyPress event?
To read the current value of an input using @onkeypress event, this event uses the KeyboardEventArgs. You can also get the last pressed key value in args.Key.
How do I show spinner/wait on an API call?
While making an API call, create and run an asynchronous task with the Run method to notify the wait using a spinner. The completion of the task can be notified using the CompletedTask property. [index.razor] Output: View Sample in GitHub