How do you get the target element onclick event in Blazor?

Blazor does not have support to manipulate DOM elements directly, but we can still achieve it by using JavaScript interop. By creating a reference to an element, we can send it as a parameter to the JavaScript method via interop. In that JavaScript method, we can manipulate the DOM elements. Refer the script file in HTML page

How does the route parameter assign values to properties in Blazor?

Blazor doesn’t consider the word casing and it just assigns the value if the name is matched. The router parses the name parameter from the URL and sets the value of the component. For instance, if the URL is /RouteParameter/JonSnow, the Name property will be set to “ JonSnow “.

What are the development tools available for Blazor?

The development tools available for Blazor are the following: Visual Studio—IDE Visual Studio Code—IDE C#—programming language .NET Core—development platform There are also several third-party commercial vendors, like Syncfusion, and open-source libraries that are available to make the Blazor app development easier.                     

How can I perform component re-rendering?

Blazor automatically refreshes the component for event updates and UI updates. However, there are some cases where we need to re-render a component while updating asynchronously. In that case, we need to call the StateHasChanged() method to re-render the component