How to implement a cascading dropdown menu using InputSelect in Blazor?
In the cascading DropDown menu, the value of first DropDown list depends on the value of the second DropDownList. In the following example, a country is selected from the countries dropdown menu, and respective states will be loaded in the state dropdown menu.
How do I force page reload or refresh in Blazor?
A page is reloaded/refreshed automatically at a specified interval using “NavigationManager” in OnAfterRender() method. Here the NavigateTo(“url”, forceLoad: true) method, is used to force load the browser based on the URI.
How can I refresh a page automatically at specific time interval?
In Blazor, “StateHasChanged” is used to re-render a page. When changes are detected in components, a page is refreshed. In the following example, a button click increments the count on time interval automatically.
How is autocomplete behavior implemented in InputText component in Blazor?
Autocomplete enables the user to predict the value. The browser will show options to fill the field when a user starts typing in a field, based on earlier typed values. The code example shows how to enable autocomplete using an input element. If you want to enable the autocomplete from your own database or own set of options, you can go with third party components such as Syncfusion Autocomplete.
How do I deploy a Blazor application in IIS?
The Blazor application can be deployed to IIS using Visual Studio or you can also configure manually. Find the steps to deploy the Blazor application. Deploy an app from Visual Studio to IIS Install the .NET Core Runtime Hosting Bundle in your device. Create a Blazor application Publish the application using context menu from the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. Click Publish. If there is no error, your application will be published successfully. Manual Deployment to IIS You can publish the Blazor application using “dotnet publish” command. Please refer to the document dotnet publish for additional commands. IIS config Open the IIS. Right click the defaultApp site and create a new website. Insert the site name and physical path (published folder path). Click Ok . Now, config the site in ApplicationPool, and you can browse the site.