How do I scroll to the top position in a Blazor page?

In Blazor, you can call a JavaScript method using JavaScript interop to scroll the page to the top position. In the following code, the button event triggers when the button is clicked and scrolls to the page top. [Index.razor] [_Host.cshtml]

How do I convert a Blazor Server-side project to a Blazor WebAssembly project?

Follow the below steps to convert an existing Blazor Server project into a Blazor WebAssembly project. Prerequisites: .NET Core 3.1/.NET 5.0 Visual Studio 2019 1. Open the existing Blazor Server app project file (.csproj) and add the Blazor WebAssembly SDK and package references. [BlazorServerApp.csproj] 2. Delete the Startup.cs file configuration in the existing Blazor Server app and add the required WebAssembly configurations to the Program.cs file. Add the following code for WebAssembly configuration. [Program.cs] 3. Now add the below namespace to your converting application in the _Import.razor file. [_Import.razor] 4. Delete the _Host.cshtml, Error.cshtml, and Error.cshtm.cs files under the Pages folder and create an index.html file and add the below code snippet under wwwroot/index.html file. [index.html] 5. Now, run the application. The existing Blazor Server project is now converted into a Blazor WebAssembly project.

How to copy text to the clipboard in Blazor?

In Blazor, you can call a JavaScript method using JavaScript interop to copy the input element text to the clipboard. In the following code, the text entered into the text box will be copied by clicking the button, and it will be displayed in the alert box. [Index.razor] [_Host.cshtml]

How do I store session data in Blazor WebAssembly?

As opposed to how session cookies work, when opening a page in a new tab or window, a new session occurs with the browsing context. To access the browser sessionStorage in Blazor apps, write custom code or use a third-party package. The accessed data can be stored in localStorage and sessionStorage. Know that localStorage is scoped to the user’s browser. If the user reloads the page or closes and reopens the browser, the state persists. Session storage is similar to local storage, but data in the session storage will be cleared after the session. Install the Blazored.SessionStorage Nuget package in the NuGet package manager to store the session data in Blazor. Add the Blazored SessionStorage configuration to the WebAssembly app. [Program.cs] [Index.razor]

How to check if RenderFragment is empty?

RenderFragment is a delegate that renders a UI segment. So, it does not have an Empty state. It can be null, which is equivalent to empty in the sense that it will produce no rendered output. In the following example, see that the RenderFragments are in a null state or contain a value.